May 11 2019 01:29 PM
I was forced to create a new account -- which I thought was already created via the MSDN community but I digress -- and selected a nickname. The nickname was qualified as available and it was selected when I created my new profile.
However, when I go to my profile, my nickname is nowhere to be found, but it appears my full name is my nickname.
How do I see/view/edit my nickname so that it is the one that I selected when I created this profile?
Thank you,
May 14 2019 12:59 PM
May 14 2019 01:19 PM
Thank you for your reply, @Allen ! I registered on Saturday, and was presented with a control to specify my username, where if I entered a name it would tell me if it was available or not.
In fact, I could not submit the registration until I specified the username and only one that was available.
Is it possible to private message the username I want? I don't want to risk it of getting poached. 😁
May 20 2019 04:14 AM
May 20 2019 11:36 AM
May 20 2019 01:06 PM
May 22 2019 01:19 PM
May 22 2019 01:46 PM
May 22 2019 02:15 PM
WOOHOO! Thank you so much, @Allen ! I FEEL SO PRETTY NOW!! 😂😂😂