Provance Data Management Pack Released!
Published Feb 15 2019 06:11 AM 296 Views
First published on TECHNET on May 03, 2011

Provance, the partner that brought you IT asset lifecycle management for SCSM, has now produced another solution – the Provance Data Management Pack.  This solution is great for importing data from external systems into Service Manager.  Here is the product description from Provance:

The new Provance Data Management Pack for Microsoft System Center Service Manager 2010 greatly simplifies and speeds the process of getting data into and out of Service Manager, while simultaneously improving the consistency and accuracy of your data. You can quickly and easily source the data you need to support effective Incident, Problem and Change Management, as well as IT Asset Life Cycle and Software Asset Management. The Provance Data Management Pack supplements the connectors provided with Service Manager to give you access to data from other IT service desks, import and discovery tools, network systems management solutions, user management systems, Configuration Management Systems (CMSs), CMDBs, and ERP and CRM systems. You can use data from just about any source, including Microsoft SQL Server databases, to add or update Configuration Items (CIs) in your Service Manager CMDB, including custom classes and properties. An easy to use graphical interface makes it simple to create and save templates that let you import data from both files and databases, without coding or extensive knowledge of the CMDB structure. Furthermore, reducing the need for external manipulation and data cleansing significantly improves the accuracy and consistency of the CIs in your Service Manager CMDB.

Congratulations to the Provance team on another great release!

For more information:

And here is a video:

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 11 2019 08:44 AM
Updated by: