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System Center Blog

Free Windows Server 2008 Dashboards for OpsMgr 2012 and TOOL to help create your own Customized Dashboards

System-Center-Team's avatar
Feb 15, 2019
First published on TECHNET on Jun 12, 2012

In OpsMgr 2012, we provided users the ability to create customized dashboards using the OpsMgr 2012 console. The GTM.exe tool provided in this blog allows you to build off these dashboard investments, in particular we allow you to accomplish three specific tasks that you cannot do via the console.

1. Turn IT Pro Console created dashboards into shippable MPs by stripping out management group specific parameters (removes MG GUIDs from dashboard MPs)

2. Provides the ability to have a custom dashboard show up under any Management Pack folder in the Monitoring view.

3.       Have a custom dashboard be launched from the task pane when you pick a specific computer or object.

I have posted two dashboard MP’s, Windows Server Summary Dashboard and a Windows Server Task Pane Dashboard and provided a step by step walkthrough in the ( GTM Custom Dashboard Authoring.pptx ) of how I created these dashboard leveraging the GTMTool.exe .

Screenshot of the Windows Server Summary Dashboard that you get by importing the “Windows.Server.Summary.dashboard.xml” attached to the blog

Screenshot of the Windows Server Task Pane Dashboard that you get by importing the “Windows.Server.Task.Pane.Dashboard.MP.xml”attached to the blog

Please feel free to post any comments, feedback or questions and I will try and take them as they come in.

I want to thank Sarah the Dev who worked on the tool and Vlad who most of you know.



Dashboard Auth Tool Samples And

Updated Mar 11, 2019
Version 4.0
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