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Customizing the SCSM 2012 Self-Service Portal–How do I change the “Need Help?” or Description Text?

System-Center-Team's avatar
Feb 15, 2019
First published on TECHNET on Feb 06, 2012

This is a pretty common question – How do I change the ‘Need Help?’ text to something else?  Similarly people want to change the description text.  This is the part of the portal that I am talking about:

Personally , I really don’t like the wording we chose to use here either.  It’s not particularly professional (“canned” ??) and certainly isn’t very generic.  I wish we had made it possible to just change the text but that’s not possible right now because the whole thing is localized on the back end to multiple languages.  Side note: I wonder how they translated “canned”… Hmmm…

Instead of changing the text you can either hide or hide it and add a web part to create your own header/instructions.

To hide it do this:

1) Click the Page tab

2) Then click the Edit button in the ribbon

3) Then pull down the drop down arrow in the upper right corner of the ServiceCatalogWebPart.  Note: it doesn’t show up until you mouse over the web part.  Select the Edit Web Part menu option.

4) In the tool pane that comes up on the right just uncheck the Visibility checkboxes for the Title and/or Description sections:

5) Scroll down to the bottom of the tool pane and click OK.  Now the title and description sections are gone!

6) You can either leave it like this.  Looks pretty good.  Or you can add your own header by adding a web part.  If you want to add a web part click the Insert tab.  Otherwise, just click Save and Close on the ribbon.

7)  To add a web part click in the white space above the Service Catalog web part and then click the Web Part button on the toolbar:

8) Then select the Media and Content category and the Content Editor web part.  Then click Add.

9) Then, just click inside the content editor web part to start adding/formatting text.

10) Pull down the drop down arrow for the Content Editor web part and choose Edit Web Part. Expand the Appearance section.  Choose None from the Chrome Type drop down.  Scroll to the bottom of the tool pane and click OK.

11) Click the Save and Close button.

Now we have something more like this:

That’s the power of having the portal built on SharePoint!

Updated Mar 11, 2019
Version 4.0
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