sqlserver minidump

Copper Contributor

Current time is 08:47:07 05/17/22.
BugCheck Dump

This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server
version 11.0.3128.0
upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file,
the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and
the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.

Computer type is Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6230 CPU @ 2.10GHz.
Bios Version is INTEL - 6040000
PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0
4 Intel x86 level 6, 2 Mhz processor (s).
Windows NT 6.2 Build 9200 CSD .

MemoryLoad = 46%
Total Physical = 16383 MB
Available Physical = 8840 MB
Total Page File = 18815 MB
Available Page File = 11396 MB
Total Virtual = 4095 MB
Available Virtual = 164 MB
***Symbol load failed - Proceed to dump without any symbols
***Stack Dump being sent to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SA\MSSQL\LOG\SQLDump4039.txt
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 12 generated fatal exception c000000d EXCEPTION_INVALID_CRT_PARAMETER. SQL Serve
r is terminating this process.
* *******************************************************************************
* 05/17/22 08:47:07 spid 12
* Exception Address = 776BC732 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
* Edi: 131EDD94: 00610000 00610063 00630037 00650062 00660066 00660066
* Esi: 00000022:
* Eax: 131EDC00: C000000D 00000000 00000000 776BC732 00000000 6789CD6B
* Ebx: 131EDDE0: F4FB7FA0 BEC20548 00000000 00000000 F4FB7FA0 00000000
* Ecx: 00000000:
* Edx: 00000000:
* Eip: 776BC732: 54244C8B 58E8CC33 8B0001F8 10C25DE5 24648300 DEEB0010
* Ebp: 131EDC5C: 131EDC98 617A2E6D C000000D 00000000 00000000 00000000
* SegCs: 00000023:
* EFlags: 00000246:
* Esp: 131EDC00: C000000D 00000000 00000000 776BC732 00000000 6789CD6B
* SegSs: 0000002B:
* *******************************************************************************
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Short Stack Dump
776BC732 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
617A2E6D Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
6841D3B2 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
623E1645 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
623E351E Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
623DF94A Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
623DFBB0 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
630AC745 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
630ACAC4 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
61720941 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
61720D6D Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
61720B9E Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
616F83E6 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
616F8514 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
616F7F3A Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
616F8268 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
758462C4 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
777F1B69 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)
777F1B34 Module(UNKNOWN+00000000)

CSession @0xF4FB6110
m_sessionId = 12 m_cRef = 8 m_rgcRefType[0] = 1
m_rgcRefType[1] = 0 m_rgcRefType[2] = 5 m_rgcRefType[3] = 1
m_rgcRefType[4] = 0 m_rgcRefType[5] = 1 m_pmo = 0xF4FB6028
m_pstackBhfPool = 0x00000000 m_dwLoginFlags = 0x0000 m_fBackground = 1
m_eConnResetOption = 0 m_fUserProc = 0 m_fConnReset = 0
m_fIsConnReset = 0 m_fInLogin = 0 m_fAuditLoginSent = 0
m_fAuditLoginFailedSent = 0 m_fReplRelease = 0 m_fKill = 0
m_ulLoginStamp = 10149894 m_eclClient = 7 m_protType = 0
m_hHttpToken = FFFFFFFF

00000000: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ....................

00000014: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ....................

00000028: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ....................

0000003C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ....................

00000050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000 ..............


CBatch @0xF4FB6FD0
m_pSess = 0xF4FB6110 m_pConn = 0xF4FB6780 m_cRef = 2
m_rgcRefType[0] = 1 m_rgcRefType[1] = 1 m_rgcRefType[2] = 0
m_rgcRefType[3] = 0 m_rgcRefType[4] = 0 m_pTask = 0x842ED278

EXCEPT (null) @0x131EB25C
exc_number = 0 exc_severity = 0 exc_func =


Task @0x842ED278
CPU Ticks used (ms) = 0 Task State = 2
WAITINFO_INTERNAL: WaitResource = 0x00000000 WAITINFO_INTERNAL: WaitType = 0x0
WAITINFO_INTERNAL: WaitSpinlock = 0x00000000
WAITINFO_EXTERNAL: WaitResource = 0x00000000
WAITINFO_EXTERNAL: WaitType = 0x200002DF
WAITINFO_EXTERNAL: WaitSpinlock = 0x00000000 SchedulerId = 0x3
ThreadId = 0x980 m_state = 0 m_eAbortSev = 0


EC @0xF4FB6820
spid = 0 ecid = 0 ec_stat = 0x0
ec_stat2 = 0x0 ec_atomic = 0x0 ecType = 0
__pSETLS = 0xF4FB67C0 __pSEParams = 0xF4FB7240

SEInternalTLS @0xF4FB67C0
m_flags = 0 m_TLSstatus = 3 m_owningTask = 0x842ED278
m_activeHeapDatasetList = 0xF4FB67C0 m_activeIndexDatasetList = 0xF4FB67C8
m_pDbccContext = 0x00000000 m_pAllocFileLimit = 0x00000000 m_dekInstanceIndex = 0x-1
m_pImbiContext = 0x00000000

SEParams @0xF4FB7240
m_lockTimeout = -1 m_isoLevel = 4096 m_logDontReplicate = 0
m_neverReplicate = 0 m_XactWorkspace = 0x8B7204A8 m_execStats = 0x0407CE30

7 Replies
Excuse me, how to analyze this problem?


Excuse me, how to analyze this problem?

@peng19832 , you simply can not, only Microsoft support can.


Install latest service pack and cumulative updates. If the issue still occurs, do what the message says and contact Microsoft support.




Ok, thanks for your reply:lol:

Ah..., then, is there any way to temporarily turn off minidump?
Dumps are created when a process crashes; there is nothing to turn off.
Install the latest patch level, see https://sqlserverbuilds.blogspot.com/





You might want to also consider updating your service pack, as 11.0.3128.0 puts you at Service Pack 1 level, which is a about five years behind the last service pack (Service Pack 4) issued in late 2017.


The reasons I mentioned this are two-fold:


  1. EXCEPTION_INVALID_CRT_PARAMETER, which is a generic "C Runtime Failure"-type error, do come up reasonably often, and often the fix is to ensure you're at a certain service pack level;
  2. You won't be able to lodge a Microsoft Premier support ticket for Service Pack 1, as the final date for extended support was July 14th, 2015, meaning you'd need to move to Service Pack 4 (which is set to expire on July 12th, 2022) to get assistance.





OK, i will try