SQL Server install requires Windows Update Access?

Steel Contributor


We're trying to install Sql Server 2019 on a server.  This server has access to our internal WSUS server, but does not have access to Microsoft's Windows Update service.  When we try to do the install, we are getting an error stating:


Does the SQL Install require access to Microsoft or should getting to our WSUS server be enough?  We don't approve SQL updates in WSUS, only Windows cumulative updates, so maybe that's part of the problem.  I'm just trying to figure out exactly what it's trying to do so I can figure out how to allow whatever it needs.


3 Replies
In common you can skip the check for update and can then continue with SQL Server installation
You can ignore the warning, but you should consider applying Windows updates was well as the latest sql CU for your version AFTER the installation is completed


@Mike Boehm Did you maage to get around this issue. I've read the replies and when I encountrted the problem I couldnt see how to skip or ignore that stage and carry on with the install.