Forum Discussion

MILLER2000's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 01, 2022

SQL Server FCI and Persistent Memory (PMEM) Use Cases

Has anyone successfully implemented any of the following Persistent Memory use scenarios with any version of SQL Server that is deployed as a Failover Cluster Instance (FCI) that is using shared SAN for data/log files in a Windows Failover Cluster?  And for these PMEM devices, I'm referring to Intel OPTANE 256GB DIMMS, likely 4 per failover host.  And in reality, I'm doing this in a VM, but Windows supports vPMEM at this point, so that isn't my concern here.


  1. Temp DB on DAX enabled PMEM Disk
  2. Temp DB on a BLOCK mode enabled PMEM Disk
  3. Persistent Log Buffer (aka Tail of the Log) feature using DAX enabled PMEM Disk
  4. Hybrid Buffer Pool feature using DAX enabled PMEM Disk
  5. Any other PMEM "Enlightenment" modes/ use-cases


I've see that #1 and #2 is technically supported, but a failed Temp DB dedicated storage device failure will not fail the cluster instance to the secondary node. 


For #3, I was thinking we could implement a script to add the Persistent Log Buffer enabled log file to each database at startup of SQL Server, specifying a local path that is consistent across FCI nodes.  But I feel this may not be "supported".  I'm also not 100% confident if something level of log data would be lost if a power loss invoked failover occurred vs. a clean failover.


For #4, I don't see any means to make that feature work with a FCI, only in a AG Group or stand-alone install, which is too bad.


For #5, I'd love to hear what you may have experienced.


Thank you.


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