Forum Discussion
Sep 09, 2024Copper Contributor
Age calculation with specified date
Hi, I want to get the following out from SQL query if date of birth is ‘1970-09-18’ and I want to calculate on ‘2024-09-16’. 2024-09-16 Minus 1970-09-18 to get result. Desired output from que...
- Sep 11, 2024
I think I resolved the problem, code is here
CREATE FUNCTION CalcAge (@From AS Date, @To AS Date) RETURNS VARCHAR(20) BEGIN DECLARE @y int DECLARE @m int DECLARE @d int SET @y = DATEPART(year, @To) - DATEPART(year, @From) SET @m = DATEPART(month, @To) - DATEPART(month, @From) SET @d = DATEPART(day, @To) - DATEPART(day, @From) SET @d += 1 IF @d < 0 BEGIN SET @m -= 1 IF DAY(@From) > DAY(EOMONTH(@To, -1)) SET @d += DAY(EOMONTH(@From)) ELSE SET @d += DAY(EOMONTH(@To, -1)) END IF @m< 0 BEGIN SET @y -= 1 SET @m += 12 END RETURN FORMAT(@y, '#00') + ':' + FORMAT(@m, '00') + ':' + FORMAT(@d, '00') END GO
I made it as a function, you can test it with script like below
DECLARE @i INT DECLARE @b DATE DECLARE @e DATE SET @i= 0 SET @b= '2023-03-31' SET @e= '2023-03-31' WHILE (@i<368) BEGIN PRINT CAST( @b AS varchar(20)) + ' to ' + CAST( @e AS varchar(20)) + ': '+ dbo.CalcAge(@b, @e) IF(DAY(@e) = DAY(EOMONTH(@e))) PRINT '-----------------------------------------' SET @e = DATEADD(day, 1, @e) SET @i += 1 END
For your sample, this function will return result '53:11:30', different to your wish. That's think this way, we usually treat same day as a whole month(to your method, it is the day before birthday). For example, when birthday is 1970-09-18, we say 2024-09-17 is 54 years old, so 2024-09-16 is 1 day left to 54 years old, the last whole month to 16th/9 is Aug., and Aug. has 31 days, so 54 year decrease 1 day should by 53:11:30.
Sep 09, 2024Copper Contributor
Hi, Thanks so much
Sep 10, 2024Iron Contributor
But there is a bug(maybe) you should know, let's assume a boy was born on 2023-02-28,how old was he on 2023-03-27? Base on your sample it must be 00:01:00, then 2023-03-28? Will be 00:01:01. let's do this continue and make a list below:
2023-03-27 00:01:00
2023-03-28 00:01:01
2023-03-29 00:01:02
2023-03-30 00:01:03
2023-03-31 00:01:04
2023-04-01 00:01:02 ?
2023-04-02 00:01:03 ?
2023-04-03 00:01:04 ?
2023-04-04 00:01:05
We can see, from 1st Apr. things go strange, boy's age roll back and same as 29th Mar. But what should be correct age? An other way is treat all days number that more than the last day of birth month as last day. For example, 2023-03-29, 2023-03-30, 2023-03-31 are treate as 2023-03-28, and the results list will like these:
2023-03-27 00:01:00
2023-03-28 00:01:01
2023-03-29 00:01:01
2023-03-30 00:01:01
2023-03-31 00:01:01
2023-04-01 00:01:02
2023-04-02 00:01:03
2023-04-03 00:01:04
2023-04-04 00:01:05
I know, It's still strange, but without roll back at least, I say it's a better strange:D
Which one do you like? Or do you have any sugguestion? It confused me from I saw your question.
- rodgerkongSep 11, 2024Iron Contributor
I think I resolved the problem, code is here
CREATE FUNCTION CalcAge (@From AS Date, @To AS Date) RETURNS VARCHAR(20) BEGIN DECLARE @y int DECLARE @m int DECLARE @d int SET @y = DATEPART(year, @To) - DATEPART(year, @From) SET @m = DATEPART(month, @To) - DATEPART(month, @From) SET @d = DATEPART(day, @To) - DATEPART(day, @From) SET @d += 1 IF @d < 0 BEGIN SET @m -= 1 IF DAY(@From) > DAY(EOMONTH(@To, -1)) SET @d += DAY(EOMONTH(@From)) ELSE SET @d += DAY(EOMONTH(@To, -1)) END IF @m< 0 BEGIN SET @y -= 1 SET @m += 12 END RETURN FORMAT(@y, '#00') + ':' + FORMAT(@m, '00') + ':' + FORMAT(@d, '00') END GO
I made it as a function, you can test it with script like below
DECLARE @i INT DECLARE @b DATE DECLARE @e DATE SET @i= 0 SET @b= '2023-03-31' SET @e= '2023-03-31' WHILE (@i<368) BEGIN PRINT CAST( @b AS varchar(20)) + ' to ' + CAST( @e AS varchar(20)) + ': '+ dbo.CalcAge(@b, @e) IF(DAY(@e) = DAY(EOMONTH(@e))) PRINT '-----------------------------------------' SET @e = DATEADD(day, 1, @e) SET @i += 1 END
For your sample, this function will return result '53:11:30', different to your wish. That's think this way, we usually treat same day as a whole month(to your method, it is the day before birthday). For example, when birthday is 1970-09-18, we say 2024-09-17 is 54 years old, so 2024-09-16 is 1 day left to 54 years old, the last whole month to 16th/9 is Aug., and Aug. has 31 days, so 54 year decrease 1 day should by 53:11:30.