First published on CloudBlogs on Nov, 30 2007
Identify potential licensing problems for the terminal server.
In Windows server 2008, a new snap-in extension, Licensing Diagnosis, has been added to the terminal server configuration snap-in to assist the administrator in managing and maintaining terminal servers. Licensing Diagnosis can analyze a terminal server and highlight potential service-affecting issues that might be encountered due to the configuration of the terminal server/ license server deployment in the network.
Licensing Diagnosis is primarily designed to:
1) Determine whether a user or computing device will be allowed to connect to a terminal server.
2) Determine which license servers are discoverable by the terminal server and whether these license servers have TS CALs available to issue to users or computing devices that are connecting to a terminal server.
3) Identify any potential licensing problems and provide suggested resolutions to these problems.
Licensing Diagnosis is not designed to:
1) Analyze and configure license servers in the network. The TS Licensing Manager tool already exists to analyze, configure, and manage a license server.
2) Act as a remedial tool to automatically configure or fix identified licensing issues for a terminal server. It is a diagnostic tool, a self-help guide, to identify potential problems and recommend probable solutions.
Running Licensing Diagnosis
Licensing Diagnosis must be run by a user having administrator privileges. In a domain, it is recommended that a domain account with administrator privileges be used to ensure optimal usability and results.
To run the Licensing Diagnosis Snap-in
1. Open Terminal Services Configuration. To open Terminal Services Configuration, click Start , point to Administrative Tools , point to Terminal Services , and then click Terminal Services Configuration. 2. In the left pane, click Licensing Diagnosis . Licensing Diagnosis will automatically try to discover license servers and identify licensing configuration problems and then display the results. |
Once Licensing Diagnosis is launched, the following screen appears. (Click for full-size image.)
There are four main sections to Licensing Diagnosis:
1. Terminal Server Configuration Details displays status and configuration information for a terminal server. It also contains the Summary of Licensing Diagnosis which is used to convey the overall state of the Terminal Server Configuration.
2. Licensing Diagnosis Information displays identified licensing problems along with suggested solutions. For more information about potential problems, refer to Licensing Diagnosis: Problems and Resolutions.
3. Terminal Services License Server Information displays the license servers that are discoverable by a terminal server.
4. License Server Configuration Details displays status and configuration information about a license server.
In addition, the action pane for Licensing Diagnosis contains several action items such as ‘Refresh,’ ‘Provide Credentials,’ and ‘Launch TS Licensing Manager’ to facilitate diagnosis.
Additional references· Windows Server 2008 TechCenter
· What’s new in Terminal Services Licensing – Licensing Diagnosis
· Summary of Licensing Diagnosis
· Licensing Diagnosis: Problems and Resolutions
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0MicrosoftSecurityandComplianceTeam
Iron Contributor
Joined September 05, 2018
Microsoft Security Blog
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