First published on CloudBlogs on Nov, 21 2011
We’d like to ensure you can find the information you need to use Remote Desktop Services, so here’s a quick roundup of the available resources and when they’re appropriate.
- For a comprehensive view of current white papers, the most recent blog posts, highlighted technical whitepapers and links to information about previous versions of RDS, see our TechNet home page . If you bookmark only one link, make it this one: it links to all the others.
- If you’d like guidance to get you started, here’s a landing page for all our Step by Step guides .
- To ask specific questions (or see if someone else already asked your specific question) go to our Remote Desktop Services Support forum . Very smart people hang out here, including members of the product group, support specialists, RDS (and other) MVPs, and members of the community. If you’re new to our support forums, we suggest you read Arthur Li's excellent pointers on how to ask a question in a way most likely to get you an answer .
- Finally, we’ve been working on the Remote Desktop Services TechNet wiki for Windows Server 2008 R2 and would like to encourage you to use it and contribute information you think would be useful to other people deploying Remote Desktop Services.
- For an offline reference, we have the Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Services Resource Kit (available in hard copy and on Kindle).
Most important: please ask questions in the support forums, not in the blog comments. The support forums are much more widely seen than blog comments, so asking in the right place both increases your chance to get an answer and helps others who might have a similar issue find the answer. Thanks!
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0MicrosoftSecurityandComplianceTeam
Iron Contributor
Joined September 05, 2018
Microsoft Security Blog
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