Fixing "Failed to parse the acquired Compliance Policy" Error
Published Oct 08 2018 06:22 PM 2,837 Views

You've downloaded the MIP SDK and are running the sample applications. You use the file sample to try to list all labels, but you get:


Something bad happend: Failed to parse the acquired Compliance Policy. Failed with: [class mip::CompliancePolicyParserException] Tag not found : policy, NodeType: 15, Name: No Name Found, Value: , Ancestors: <SyncFile><Content>, correlationId:[34668a40-bb6a-4ef8-b2af-00005aa67409]


This indicates that you haven't migrated your labels from Azure Information Protection to the unified labeling experience! Follow this Docs article to migrate the labels, then create a Label Policy in Office 365 Security and Compliance Center. Once that's complete, the sample will run successfully.


Tom Moser, @milt0r, Sr. Program Manager – Azure Information Protection

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‎May 11 2021 02:03 PM
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