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Mixed Reality Partners

[Announcement] Test the Fall Insider Preview Build for HoloLens today!

ShonaBang's avatar
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Sep 13, 2022

Calling all MR Partners!


Want to help create better mixed reality experiences for all? The new Fall Insider Flight Preview is now ready for testing


Calling all MR Partners: Test the new Insider Flight for HoloLens today!


Read more information and instructions on how to load the new Insider Flight build in the detailed Release Notes here.


This new build comes jam packed with numerous new features and improvements, so be sure to test it with your own application(s) that currently run on HoloLens 2 to ensure a smooth process when the build is officially shipped this fall!


Note: We recommend using the Dev Channel for testing as it will be the fastest even though both the Dev and Beta channels should work. 


Feature Description User/ Scenario Available in build
New policies to speed up adding users New policies we've enabled that allow IT Admins to skip several screens in OOBE when adding new users to devices. IT Admin 10.0.22621.1008
Autopilot reset experience Improvements in Autopilot reset experience, to enable users to reset HoloLens 2 and restart Autopilot without requiring manual flashing. IT Admin 10.0.22621.1006
Clean up users on device New policies to manage when to clear out users on the device, to prevent hitting the maximum limit. IT Admin 10.0.22621.1008
New policy to disable NCSI passive polling Turn off auto-reconnect to Wi-fi access points to stay connected to intranet. IT Admin 10.0.22621.1008
Captive portal on sign-in screen, enter Wi-Fi credentials to help sign-in New policy that IT Admins can enable that allows the use of captive portals on the sign-in screen to help connecting to Wi-Fi. IT Admin 10.0.22621.1006
Clean up storage via MDM Clean up files via MDM, using storage sense to clean up older unused files. IT Admin 10.0.22621.1008
Security Baseline Two sets of security restrictions you can use to add more control to your devices. IT Admin 10.0.22621.1006
Configure NTP client for W32 Time service Used to set your own time sever for your devices, to help keep them compliant. IT Admin 10.0.22621.1010
Fixes improvements Fixes and improvements for HoloLens. All 10.0.22621.1006


Spot an issue or bug while testing out the Insider Flight build? 

From now till October 14, 2022, connect with us via the MR Partner Feedback form at so that our team can help investigate it further. Even if your app(s) experienced no issues or performance degradation while running the new build (woohoo!), please let us know via the form as well so that we know we're on the right track!


Thank you for your support as our valuable Mixed Reality partners and we look forward to hearing from you! 


#MRPartners #InsiderFlightFeedback


Updated Sep 27, 2022
Version 4.0
  • ohault's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    It could be so cool to installl it on Oculus Quest 2.


    Is it a big deal?