Forum Discussion
Mieke Van Rijckeghem
Jun 18, 2018Copper Contributor
Teams and forms - assignments - meetings
Hello, I would like to ask several questions here: first one concerns Forms in Teams: I’m the owner of a team and I made a tab for a quiz. I played also the role of Member or student and ...
- Jun 26, 2018
Hi Mieke
I'll speak to question 1 and question 3:
Question 1:
From my experience (only from a creator not end user of Forms), if you used the Forms tab to link your Quiz within the Channel, then your tab will always show the quiz regardless (it will give you a warning message if you cannot do the same quiz more than once).
I don't know of a solid way to get the students their individual results when viewing a tab except to use the (Share) Quiz weblink and add a Website tab using the URL within the Channel.
This way when students login, they can do the Quiz and then when you post the results and they look at the Quiz tab again, they will see your response and comments (see image).
I did the Quiz in this tab and submitted. I waiting for the results from the assessor, and then I opened the tab again to see the results above.
You will also need to consider the quiz settings (in your quiz, click onto the ... > Settings) so that you can ensure that the students must wait for you to post the results rather than (by default) having the results shown (see image).
If Show results automatically is on, the students will see the result immediately after submitting. If it's off, you can assess and post the results when ready!
Question 3:
My understanding is:
- *Team meeting limit is 80 in a session.
- #If you want to do video chat, limit is currently 80 although there is work being done to bring that to 250 in line with Skype (unless it's already happened and I missed the announcement)?
Here are the references to read for the above:
# (see the last comment by Steven Collier made about a month and a half ago in the Microsoft Teams forum on this site.
Hope this helps and best wishes with your work.
Mieke Van Rijckeghem
Jun 26, 2018Copper Contributor
Thank you so much for the clarity of solving the first problem and info for my 3rd question!!!
Kind regards!
Jun 26, 2018Silver Contributor
Hi Miele
It is my pleasure to assist and thanks goes to Magnus for his contributions too.
Hope it goes well for you and your students!
- Jun 26, 2018
Damien_Rosario I've never seen a different limit for video as opposed to audio etc. in a meeting, to my knowledge 80 is the current supported figure. Logically there isn't any difference, it's only sending you 4 streams of video at once.
The Teams plan is still to get to 250 users very soon.
To go beyond that you switch to a broadcast meeting, more like a oneway webinar, again coming very soon.
- Damien_RosarioJun 27, 2018Silver Contributor
Ooops. That was meant to say 80 as referenced in your post as well as the limitations doc (will edit for correct number)!
My bad on the typo. Good pick up Steven!
Damien- Mieke Van RijckeghemJun 27, 2018Copper Contributor
A big thank you to everybody who replied and helped me!