Forum Discussion

Rick Palm's avatar
Rick Palm
Iron Contributor
Jul 24, 2017

Using public groups to house channels in Stream?

We are justing getting started with Office 365, and looking at how we can use Stream with Groups and Channels. Thus far the number of people who can create a group is extremely small. I took an existing private group and made it public, and I added a channel to that group and added a video to that channel. I sent the link to some associates, and they could play the video, but the group doesn't show for them under My groups. I don't see an option to "discover" groups there, I have an option to create a group, but I don't have permissions. This is close to what I'd like to do, which would be to use public groups to have a collection of channels. It just doesn't seem quiet there.
  • Rick Palm are you simply trying to share videos with colleagues, you can create a public channel (instead of a channel inside a Group) and do it that way.


    I can double check but My Group only shows Groups you have joined. Browse-> Groups would likely show this group.


    cc: Amit Rajput

  • Rick Palm are you simply trying to share videos with colleagues, you can create a public channel (instead of a channel inside a Group) and do it that way.


    I can double check but My Group only shows Groups you have joined. Browse-> Groups would likely show this group.


    cc: Amit Rajput

    • Rick Palm's avatar
      Rick Palm
      Iron Contributor

      You know what, I finally noticed Browse -> Groups this afternoon, that is what I want, with the ability in the drop down to sort by number of videos, I guess that will work, I would really like to only show Stream Groups if that was possible.


      I'm trying to move files from a center of expertise where we can add multiple channels, so I'm trying to build the groups and channels since we don't have channels and sub channels. We will probably have 20 channels or more, with many videos in each channel.


      Perhaps I'm trying to arrange things too hierarchically, because that's what I'm used to, and what our users are used to. With 10000 employees, it just feels like we are going to have trouble finding channels with 1000s or 1000s of files. I think what I'm really looking for is something more like Netflix or Hulu, I'd also like to be able to organized videos in a sequence, similar to seasons and episodes.


      For example, we often capture PowerPoint and Audio from multiple day WebEx broadcasts, where we might have 5-10 different sessions per day.
