Oct 20 2019 07:51 AM
hi, pretty much as per the title.
How do I work out the storage quota for an educational tenant using A1 Plus licences? I cannot find an answer online.
Nov 20 2019 01:53 PM - edited Nov 20 2019 01:54 PM
Hello there, if you know your number of licensed users, you can use this calculation. If you have a need to purchase additional storage you can review this documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/stream/storage-add-on
"When your organization purchased Microsoft Stream, you received 500 GB of base storage and an additional 0.5 GB of storage per licensed user."
Nov 21 2019 04:42 AM
@NealM thanks for the reply. I'm sure we don't in reality, but we have unlimited listed next to a number of our O365 products available to staff and students and we don't pay for these. Therefore it's hard to do any math where one of the values is unlimited. I'll ask via our education rep at MS and see what comes back.