Forum Discussion

Jeff Walzer's avatar
Jeff Walzer
Iron Contributor
Mar 02, 2020

Sentinel across multi-region/workspaces

We have resource deployed in two regions, East US and Central US. We are using Central US as as zone pair to East US and with that was wondering if I need to create a log analytics workspace for the ...
  • Rod_Trent's avatar
    Mar 02, 2020

    Jeff Walzer No need to pair them. You can have multiple workspaces and query across them using a single Azure Sentinel console. Here's an example...


    union Update, workspace("otherworkspacename").Update, workspace("otherworkspaceID").Update
    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h)
    | where UpdateState == "Needed"
    | summarize dcount(Computer) by Classification


    You can even save a query like this as a Function so you can just use the Function alias to use it.


    Question is...why do you think you might need multiple Sentinel workspaces? Best practice is to use a single workspace if possible.


    Reasons why you might want to use multiple workspaces:

    • Use of multiple Azure tenants
    • For compliance and sovereignty reasons
    • To reduce networking costs across regions


    Reasons to avoid multiple workspaces:

    • Separate billing
    • Fine grained retention settings
    • Fine grained access control
    • Legacy architecture

