M365 Connector - Defender Advanced Hunting Logs

Copper Contributor



Trying to ingest the advanced hunting data as per the documentation.
Once I try to select some tables I want from MDE, I get this error:



6 Replies

@bradleyfell Just to double check, you did meet all the prerequisite requirements, right?

Could it be that
Defender for endpoint P2 is not elidg for this connector?
the license requirements in the documentation referring to defender are quite vague.
GA (OR) Security Admin
I assigned both roles just to make sure.
That should work. At this point I would open a ticket.
agreed, thanks sir
Getting the same error message in another tenant.
Defender Endpoint P2 assigned to the GA
Just an update for those who experience this error.
It is in fact as it appears as an authentication issue.
This issue exists within CSP customer tenants, will update with resolution.