Forum Discussion
how can I do in KQL to compare if a value contains another value in the same table in KQL?
Hi everyone,
I used the default rule "SharePointFileOperation across devices with previously unseen user agents" and I need to enhance the rule so that if the "USER_ID" column contains a variable I created. This variable performs a replacement of the above name with regex and removes the values beyond the "@". I have tried to make a "contain" expression but it doesn't there another way...?
let threshold = 5;
let szSharePointFileOperation = "SharePointFileOperation";
let szOperations = dynamic(["FileDownloaded", "FileUploaded"]);
let starttime = 14d;
let endtime = 1d;
let historicalActivity =
| where TimeGenerated between(ago(starttime) .. ago(endtime))
| where RecordType =~ szSharePointFileOperation
| where Operation in~ (szOperations)
| where isnotempty(UserAgent)
| summarize historicalCount = count() by UserAgent, RecordType, Operation;
let ReplacedData =
| where TimeGenerated between(ago(starttime) .. ago(endtime))
| where RecordType =~ szSharePointFileOperation
| where Operation in~ (szOperations)
| extend replaced=replace_regex(UserId, @'([^\\]*)', @'\1')
| project replaced;
let recentActivity = OfficeActivity
| where RecordType =~ szSharePointFileOperation
| where Operation in~ (szOperations)
| where TimeGenerated > ago(endtime)
| where isnotempty(UserAgent)
| summarize min(Start_Time), max(Start_Time), recentCount = count() by UserAgent, RecordType, Operation;
let RareUserAgent = recentActivity
| join kind = leftanti (historicalActivity) on UserAgent
| order by recentCount desc, UserAgent
// More than 5 downloads/uploads from a new user agent today
| where recentCount > threshold;
| where TimeGenerated > ago(endtime)
| where RecordType =~ szSharePointFileOperation
| where Operation in~ (szOperations)
| where isnotempty(UserAgent)
| where Site_Url contains (ReplacedData)
| join kind= inner (RareUserAgent)
on UserAgent, RecordType, Operation
| where Start_Time between(min_Start_Time .. max_Start_Time)
| summarize StartTimeUtc = min(min_Start_Time), EndTimeUtc = max(max_Start_Time)
UserAgentSeenCount = recentCount
| extend
timestamp = StartTimeUtc,
AccountCustomEntity = UserId,
IPCustomEntity = ClientIP,
URLCustomEntity = Site_Url
| extend replaced=replace_regex(UserId, @'([^\\]*)', @'\1')
| order by UserAgentSeenCount desc, UserAgent asc, Operation asc, UserId asc, replaced
Any idea how to get this query to work correctly. Or another way to come up with a solution.
- Clive_WatsonBronze Contributor| where Site_Url in (ReplacedData)
You should use "in" rather than "contains" for the above line- Chris_321Copper Contributor
Hi Clive_Watson
But the problem is that I would need that the string is not equal but that it is with the sentence "contains" or similar, because when using "IN" I am indicating that the parameter is equal and I don't want it to be equal but to contain it, because all the parameters are not going to be equal.