Forum Discussion
Dec 28, 2020Copper Contributor
Block user in Onprem NVA
I am looking for a playbook which block the user identity in on-premises Network Virtual Appliance
Dec 28, 2020Bronze Contributor
Reddy585 Without knowing what NVA you are using it would be very difficult to point you in the correct direction. With that being said, take a look at the listing of playbooks in the Azure Sentinel GitHub repository
- Reddy585Dec 28, 2020Copper Contributor
GaryBusheyCan we block user in onprem Active Directory/ onprem Firewall using Playbook?
- GaryBusheyDec 28, 2020Bronze Contributor
Reddy585 I know you can block a user via PowerShell and you can run a PowerShell script via a Playbook but I am not sure if you can use that PowerShell command in a Playbook. Other than that I do not know if it is possible.
- Reddy585Dec 28, 2020Copper ContributorThank you.