Blog Post

Microsoft Sentinel Blog

Configuring archive period for tables at Mass for Data Retention within Log Analytics Workspace

VipulDabhi's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
May 23, 2024
  1. Efficient Data Management: The article’s primary focus on mass applying archival to multiple tables within Log Analytics Workspace streamlines the process of managing a diverse range of log data. This efficiency is invaluable for organizations dealing with large volumes of logs from various sources, simplifying the management of data retention policies and significantly reducing the administrative overhead.
  2. Cost and Complexity Optimization: By leveraging Log Analytics Workspace for archival, organizations can maintain a balance between cost-effective storage and data accessibility. This approach eliminates the need for more complex and potentially costly alternatives like Blob Storage and Azure Data Explorer (ADX) for archival, thus reducing both operational complexity and storage expenses. It provides a practical solution for long-term data retention while optimizing both cost and management efforts.




Consider replicating above for multiple tables using below PowerShell commands.



Step 2: Export the KQL Result-Set:

Exporting the table list in CSV using export functionality



Step 4: Rename from "$table" column to "Table" as:

Rename $table to Table as highlighted:


Step 5: Rename the Excel File name as well:


From "query_data" to "Sentinel" as shown


Step 6: Open Cloud Shell on Azure portal and upload this new file: 


Upload the file from local machine as:


Step 7: Check the uploaded file using "ls" list command for uploaded File as:



Step 8: Run following PowerShell command in Cloud shell once file upload completes:


Import-CSV “SentinelTable.csv” | foreach {Update-AzOperationalInsightsTable -ResourceGroupName sentineltraining -WorkspaceName sentineltrainingworkspace -TableName $_.Table -TotalRetentionInDays 2556}


Prior Running the command ensure to update:

*Please update the -TotalRetentionInDays as required in your scenario

*Update the Resource Group Name, Log analytics Workspace name respectively.



Step 9: Check the Archival Log Analytics Table for following tables:


Step 10: The Tables exported have updated Archival period and others have default Retention as per Log Analytics Settings:

Navigation: Log Analytics Workspace > Settings > Tabels > Archive Period.






1. This blog covers the default approach at a table level to perform archival for long term storage within log analytics workspace.

2.This blog covers steps to actually scale the archival for multiple tables which is a key production requirement.

3. All the steps can be implemented in a lab environment and archival period can be observed in log analytics workspace in table blade respectively.

Published May 23, 2024
Version 1.0