You’ve wanted to know how well search works for your organization. Microsoft Search usage reports have the data!
Enterprise users spend time every day searching for information. As a Search administrator for your organization, it’s very important for you to understand who your users are, what they search for, how they engage with search results, and their preferred search application so you can increase your users’ productivity by helping them easily find the information they are looking for.
We’re excited to announce that we’ve completed the roll out of an improved and enhanced Search usage reports to all WW tenants! You can access these reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center | Settings | Search & intelligence | Overview section. From there detailed reports on users, queries, and Microsoft Graph connectors can be easily accessed using the tabs on the left. Next let's dive into how you can use these reports to empower users in your organization.
Pivot total search queries on additional dimensions
As a Search administrator it’s critical for you to know how many search queries resulted in user action versus how many did not. The queries by user action report gives you just that! This chart shows how many queries resulted in a user click activity on search results versus no-click activity and no results returned.
You can further breakdown the abandoned and no-result queries on user profile dimensions like occupation, department, and country to get richer insights about user cohorts struggling to find information and those that are successful. With this information, creating Editorial answers that target these user groups and help them find information faster is a win-win for you and your users!
The wait for Microsoft Graph connector analytics is over!
Delivering world-class enterprise search is crucial for your organization and Microsoft Graph connectors play a vital role in achieving this by indexing content from external systems and making it discoverable using a single search application. In our upgraded reports, we’ve introduced a dedicated section for connection analytics to show the contribution of connectors to overall search queries.
The connection details section lets you see each connection's contribution to query volume and click-through rate for the selected time period. This information helps you identify the level of engagement for each connection and monitor how actions like configuring additional semantic labels improve the relevance and coverage for your connections.
We’ve also created several additional reports, including data about active versus engaged users, popular search terms with information on result type and result position, query volume and click-through trends to provide you a detailed view of how well Microsoft Search is working for your organization.
We’re as excited as you are about this feature launch, and we look forward to your feedback and comments below. If you have any questions or clarifications, email us at We’re happy to chat with you and hear your thoughts and feedback!
Updated Nov 11, 2022
Version 2.0wbaer
Joined July 08, 2016
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