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Microsoft MVP Program Blog

MVP’s Favorite Content: Edge, Platform Engineering, SQL, Azure

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Feb 09, 2024

In this blog series dedicated to Microsoft's technical articles, we'll highlight our MVPs' favorite article along with their personal insights.


Taiji Hagino, Internet of Things MVP, Japan

AI edge engineer - Training | Microsoft Learn

“This AI edge engineer training content, including Azure IoT, is very useful for IoT related engineers.

Today, there are fewer IoT bridge services available for personal level and light use, and Azure IoT and IoT Hub are very easy to use. I highly recommend this training content as it covers the whole gamut from basic IoT fundamentals to integrated skills with business scenarios in mind.”

*Relevant Blog:

- AzureでかんたんにIoT #01 - IoTハブを作成する #Azure - Qiita

- AzureでかんたんにIoT #02 - IoTハブにデバイスを追加する #Azure - Qiita

- Azure IoT HubをDatadogで監視してみる #Azure - Qiita


Shunsuke Yoshikawa, Microsoft Azure MVP, Japan

Platform engineering guide | Microsoft Learn

“This is an explanation about Platform Engineering, which has recently become a hot topic of discussion. It is a valuable article that covers not only technical aspects but also thoughts on philosophy and organizational structure. I believe it will serve as a good guide for everyone in advancing Platform Engineering.”

(In Japanese: 昨今話題となっているPlatform Engineeringに関する解説です。技術的な点だけでなく、考え方や組織づくりについても記載されている有益な文章です。皆様がPlatform Engineeringを進めるうえでのよい道しるべとなるコンテンツであると思います。)

*Relevant Activities:

- Platform Engineering Meetup (

- Platform Engineering Meetup - connpass


Sergio Govoni, Data Platform MVP, Italy

CREATE TRIGGER (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn

“Triggers are often one of the main reasons of quarrel between Developers and DBAs, between those who customize a database application and those who develops it. They are often the first database objects to be blamed when the performance degrades. They seem easy to write, but writing efficient Triggers is not easy. They have many side effects, but also a very important characteristic: they allow solving problems that cannot be managed in any other application layer. Triggers exist in SQL Server since version 1.0, even before CHECK constraint. They always work in the same unit-of-work of the T-SQL statement that has called them. There are different types of Triggers: Logon Trigger, DDL Trigger and DML Trigger!”

*Relevant Blogs:

- SQL Server Triggers Tips & Tricks: The activation order | by Sergio Govoni | Medium

- SQL Server Triggers Tips & Tricks: Working on multiple rows

- SQL Server Tips & Tricks: How to debug a Trigger


Sou Ishizaki, Microsoft Azure MVP, Japan

Purchase Azure savings plan for compute - Training | Microsoft Learn

“This is a learning path where you can learn about multiple plans that contribute to reducing the cost of computing workloads on Azure. The content is systematically organized to enable you to study various options thoroughly, so it's something you would want to go through at least once.”

(In Japanese: Azure のコンピューティングワークロードのコスト削減に寄与する複数のプランについて学ぶことができるラーニングパスです。色々な選択肢を体系的に学ぶことができるようまとまっているので、一度は目を通しておきたいコンテンツです。)

Updated May 07, 2024
Version 2.0
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