In this blog series dedicated to Microsoft's technical articles, we'll highlight our MVPs' favorite article along with their personal insights.
Tomomitsu Kusaba, Developer Technologies MVP, Japan
Design principles - Fluent 2 Design System (
“This content clarifies the placement of components and the underlying principles from a UI design perspective. Along with articles on the technical usage of common UI components, I hope many people will become aware of this document that contributes to enhancing accessibility.”
(In Japanese: このコンテンツはUIデザインの立場に立ったコンポーネントの配置方法やその背景にある原理原則を明らかにしています。よく見るUIコンポーネントの技術的な使用法の記事とあわせて、アクセシビリティの向上に寄与しているこのドキュメントを多くの人に知っていただきたいと思います。)
*Relevant Blog: アクセシビリティの観点から見たFluent UI Blazorのすすめ (
*Relevant Event and Video:
- .NETラボ 勉強会 2023年12月 - connpass
- 2023ドットネットラボ12月オンライン勉強会 (
Yasuaki Matsuda, Microsoft Azure MVP, Japan
Azure Application Architecture Fundamentals - Azure Architecture Center | Microsoft Learn
“Highly recommended for Azure users seeking to refine their strategies, this resource offers a comprehensive re-evaluation from an architectural viewpoint. It's invaluable for those who started with Azure on a trial, followed standard practices, or acted on advice, and are ready to progress further.”
(In Japanese: Azure を利用する際に良いところやうまくいかないところを考えるようになった人に、その利用の仕方をアーキテクチャという視点で見直すきっかけとしておすすめしたいページです。とりあえず導入してみた、よくあるパターンで導入してみた、アドバイスを聞いて導入してみたという人が、その先のステップを目指すために必要な材料があると思います。)
Somesh Pathak, Enterprise Mobility MVP, Netherlands
Coming Soon – Platform SSO for macOS - Microsoft Community Hub
“The upcoming Platform SSO for macOS from Microsoft enhances the Single Sign-On (SSO) experience for macOS devices. This feature allows passwordless sign-ins using Touch ID and cryptographic keys, significantly improving security. It integrates with Microsoft Intune, simplifying the onboarding process for users and supporting enterprise zero trust security objectives. The public preview will initially support Intune, with other MDM providers to follow soon.”
*Relevant Blog: The Apple Connect: Bridging Identity Services with SSO (
Yuta Matsumura, Developer Technologies MVP, Japan
Browse code samples | Microsoft Learn
“Microsoft Learn is an important website for learning Microsoft technologies. However, Microsoft Learn is not yet widely known in Japan. Relevant blog article explains how to use Microsoft Learn in my own way.”
(In Japanese: Microsoft Learnは、マイクロソフトのテクノロジーを学ぶための重要なWebサイトです。しかし、日本ではまだMicrosoft Learnは広く知られていません。関連ブログでは、Microsoft Learnの私なりの使い方について解説しています。)
*Relevant Blog: MLBお兄さんのMicrosoft Learnの歩き方 - Alternative Architecture DOJO (
*Relevant Event: Hack Azure! #14 - Microsoft Learn で Azure をキャッチアップ (