In this blog series dedicated to Microsoft's technical articles, we'll highlight our MVPs' favorite article along with their personal insights.
Sander ten Brinke, Developer Technologies MVP, Netherlands
Performance Improvements in .NET 8 - .NET Blog
“For the last few years, I have looked forward to Stephen Toub's blog posts about performance improvements in .NET. It shows that performance is very important to the .NET team, and it's jaw dropping when you realize that this blog post will take HOURS to read. The blog post goes very in-depth, and you will learn many new things about .NET when reading it.”
Jev Suchoi, Developer Technologies MVP, Netherlands
Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure - Cloud Adoption Framework | Microsoft Learn
“It is the most comprehensive and tightly packed content library for Azure Cloud. Not only encapsulating technology and architecture topics but also addresses cultural and business best practices. It even covers well-known anti-patterns.
I use the Cloud Adoption Framework daily to explain "how to Cloud" to clients”.
*Relevant Blog:
- Mastering Cloud Adoption Framework: Quick Start Backlog essentials 💪 - (
- The perfect Azure naming convention - (
Luke Murray, Microsoft Azure MVP, New Zealand
What's new in the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework - Cloud Adoption Framework | Microsoft Learn
“I use this almost every day as a reference point to learn and accelerate adoption! One of my favourite pages is the 'What’s New'! As Cloud Adoption can change and new content gets added, the What's New page helps me keep up to date with the latest Cloud Adoption frameworks.”
*Relevant Blog: Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure - Tools and Templates - The Cloud Adoption Framework also includes various templates and assessments to keep track of your Cloud Journey across the Strategy, Plan, Ready, Adopt and Govern cycles. The blog post, written below, is only a fraction of the content available.
Nobushiro Takahara, Data Platform MVP, Japan
Migrate SQL Server workloads to Azure SQL - Training | Microsoft Learn
“This Microsoft Learn content is a exhaustive and easy-to-understand guide that provides useful information for Fit & Gap analysis, migration planning (assessment), and migration methods for migrating SQL Server on on-premise environment to Azure. It also describes how to assess the database using Microsoft Data Migration Assistant and specific procedures for data migration, so I believe that this is a good content you should refer to when planning a migration.”
(In Japanese: Azureへオンプレミス環境のSQL Serverを移行するための Fit & Gap 分析に役立つ情報、および、移行計画(アセスメント)、移行方式に関する情報が網羅的に分かりやすくまとまっています。また、Microsoft Data Migration Assistant を使用したデータベース評価の仕方、および、データ移行などの具体的な手順が記載されており、移行計画を立てる際に是非参照したほうが良いコンテンツだと思います。)
*Relevant Blog: 【保存版】SQL ServerのAzure移行に向けた移行フローチャート - NOBTAの気ままにITブログ (
Updated May 07, 2024
Version 5.0RieMoriguchi
Joined July 19, 2016
Microsoft MVP Program Blog
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