Receiving notification for deleted non series-master events

Copper Contributor


Is it possible to have an information about a deleted occurrence in a series, using the Graph API ?
Or is the only solution to retrieve the series-master, fetch all occurrences and find the one who has been deleted by comparing the result with the data stored on our side?

I've subscribed to change notifications and it works great if you get an update on an occurrence, e.g. a changed start time for an occurrence. In that case when you call /instances you correctly get an exception for that specific occurrence.

On the other hand if you delete an occurrence there is no exception when you call /instances. The corresponding occurrence json object is simply removed from the JSON response in that case. This is not really handy when you get an update. How do you know which occurrence is to be removed? Only way seems to re-import everything. Do you have better suggestions?

Thank you for your time.

7 Replies

Sorry which product does this relate to?
This relates to the Microsoft Graph API. In particular to following issue.

1) I subscribe to receive event resource notifications (
2) I create a repeating appointment in Outlook.
3) I remove one of the recurrences.
4) I receive a notification for the series master event that an update occurred.
5) If I call the /instances endpoint ( to see what the update is about, I cannot see that removed event as an exception. Simply it is removed from the response.

So the only solutions seems to be to save all the occurrences on our end and than if an update happens to compare them one by one with the occurrences in the instances response and see which occurrence is deleted if any. Is there a better way than this?
Any updates on this?



I will move your query to the Microsoft Graph community and hopefully someone can help you there.

Perfect, thank you and sorry for posting it in the wrong place in the first place.
I have the same question, also need to find the deleted instances of a recurrent meeting.
Besides that, would be nice on an exception to see how it deviates from the original occurence info by adding 'orginalStartDateTime' and 'originalEndDateTime' to the response of exceptions.

We are on the same page, now we just cancel by comparison with our DB . What I really don't understand is why is there a parameter named 'isCancelled' . Since, whenever someone cancels or deletes an event, it will simply be removed from the response. The logic procedure would be to simply set 'isCancelled' as true, at least for the update hook that this action causes.