Forum Discussion

amanpreet singh's avatar
amanpreet singh
Copper Contributor
Jun 26, 2018

subscriptions we can not manage anymore

Hi Friends,


We had deployed on premises ADFS then federated domains in Azure.

We are using multiple UPNs in our AD.

We have subscriptions we can not manage anymore because we activated ADFS and cant log in with those other UPN Accounts.

Is there any way to update different roles like owner, Co Admin, and Service Admin without changing the UPN of those users?


Many Thanks, I will appreciate your quick reply!


  • Max Fritz's avatar
    Max Fritz
    Iron Contributor
    Do you have access to any admin accounts right now? The way I understand your post is that all your admin accounts were and are now being redirected to ADFS for authentication.
    • amanpreet singh's avatar
      amanpreet singh
      Copper Contributor
      Yes. I have access to any global admin accounts right now but given admin accounts are not working. These admin accounts work if I change their UPNs.
      for example . I need to use these accounts without changing UPNs.
      • Max Fritz's avatar
        Max Fritz
        Iron Contributor
        Your only way to use them without changing the UPNs to a non-federated domain (like would be to have matching/synced accounts exist in your local AD. There's no way to exclude specific accounts from being redirected to ADFS; it's an all or nothing deal.
        Hope that helps and that I'm understanding your situation right. If not, let me know and I can reply back.
