In what scenario is a guest user added in AAD?

Brass Contributor


I tried to find the answer to this by Reading all Azure whitepapers and blogs I could find, but no luck.


I know I can add a guest user in the Azure AD portal, where the external user gets invited by an email.


But some how by colleague managed to get Another external guest user added in our tenant without doing so from the Azure portal. According to him, he invited the user in Sharepoint or OneDrive.


Exactly how or when does an invited external user get added to the Azure as a guest user?


Best regards,


6 Replies

External users (guests) are created automatically whenever someone shares information from almost anywhere in Office 365 with an external user. Basically if a external person is given access to something in Office 365 they will be made into a external user with the exception of fully public sharing / links.

Follow the steps

1) log on to the

2) navigate to azure active Directory

3) click on the users & groups

3) click on the All usersguistuser.JPG



4) Then Click on the New Guest user and provide the guest user email ID to invite




















Hope it will help you to invite the guest in your Azure AD tenant 





Thanks for your reply, but I know how to add a guest user manually. The question is how to get them added automatically, when invited by end users.

@peter provided that explanation. Is there something else that is not clear?

I guess my customers tenant is modified in some way, because when they do invites in OneDrive and Sharepoint the sharing does never create a guest user. Insted, the external user get the sharing info in an email and a one-time-code in a separate email when accessing the URL.


I assume there need to be something changed in the tenant configuration...