Forum Discussion
[FIXED] How to prevent sign in page from asking new users for additional security verification
I have disabled Azure >> Properties >> Manage Security defaults >> set to "No"
and i'm still being prompted with a 2fa when enrolling a new device.
How can I turn of 2fa for my entire organization in O365 and Azure. We use a different IdP and have 2fa turned on with that platform and do not need it in Microsoft.
Hello all,
is there a way to manage "additional security verification" prompt (no Windows Insider OS) ? Windows Hello for Business (Intune) is not configured; Azure > Properties > Manage Security defaults > already set to No.
I noticed it is related to PIN request (for devices joined to Azure AD and managed by Intune): if end-user try to configure PIN, additional security info appears (of course, just first time). Is there a way to force/enable PIN request but disable security verification ?
- MTwilhaarJun 30, 2021Copper Contributor
lucafabbri365 We are also currently working on Windows Hello for Business.
These laptops are Azure AD Joined and are managed through Intune.
Our customer does not want to use the Microsoft Authenticator app.,
an SMS or telephone call is fine.
How can we disable the Authenticator App. We already have the authenticator app
turned off at. SSPR and at the authentication methods. Nevertheless, we do get
the prompt to use the authenticator app.