Azure B2B show guest user SPO and onedrive people picker

Brass Contributor



i want to add "guest user" from other tenant to our tenant.

it is a kind of federation between 2 firms. 

So the users should find users from other firm with an easy way to share documents and sharepoint sites/libraries. 



I also want to see this users in the "people picker" for sharing SPO websites and also Onedrive sharing (also desktop client).

i have used: "Set-SPOTenant -ShowPeoplePickerSuggestionsForGuestUsers $True".


But: my guest users are not visible in people picker when i try to share website and also not available on onedrive sync client.


Do i need to run Set-SPOSite -ShowPeoplePickerSuggestionsForGuestUsers $True for every existing site?

How about onedrive? do i need to enable the Guest suggestions also with command?


Thank you





3 Replies
Did anyone have thoughts on this?
Maybe the problem is still current:
I also faced the problem at least in relation to OneDrive. Besides the SPO-Tenant command to enable the option on the tenant side, I also used the Set-SPOSite command for the OneDrive URLs in the tenant: (Example: Set-SPOSite -Identity "OneDrivePath" -ShowPeoplePickerSuggestionsForGuestUsers $true) - In the sharing context, the guests were resolved as soon as I searched for the display name. It helped me.


How do you find the "OneDrivePath"?


I attempted the command: 



Set-SPOSite -identity https://<TenantName> -ShowPeoplePickerSuggestionsForGuestUsers $true



I get the error: 

Set-SPOSite : The property ShowPeoplePickerSuggestionsForGuestUsers cannot be set on the MySite host.