New App registrations experience now in public preview!
Published Nov 08 2018 05:30 PM 6,193 Views

Howdy folks,


Over the last few months we’ve been working hard to improve our developer experience for our identity platform. As we continue to improve the Microsoft identity platform, we’re addressing the feedback we’ve heard from developers about our App registrations experience and how it can be simpler. 


Today, we’re excited to announce the new App registrations experience in the Azure portal is now in public preview. The new App registration experience will be the place to manage all your applications that authenticate Azure Active Directory and personal Microsoft accounts.


App registration experience.png


To learn more about the improvements we’ve made, head over to the Microsoft identity platform for developer’s blog where Principal Program Manager, Ben Vincent, walks through the detailed improvements.


Best Regards, 
Alex Simons (@Twitter: @Alex_A_Simons)

Corporate VP of Program Management

Microsoft Identity Division 

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‎Jul 24 2020 01:50 AM
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