First published on CloudBlogs on Mar, 16 2016
Howdy folks!
Just a quick post today. The Windows phone fans among you will be excited to know we published a TechNet article about using Azure AD (including Azure AD Join) with your Windows 10 Mobile device. Gary Henderson on of the PM's who has been instrumental in getting Azure AD Join working has put together a nice TechNet article to help you plan for how you can use Windows 10 on company owned devices. It walks through everything you'll need to know as you make places to deploy Windows 10 mobile devices in your enterprise.
And as a teaser – here's what the first two step in the process of Azure AD Joining a Windows phone look like:
To learn more, head over to
and if you have any questions, hit up Gary on Twitter at
Best Regards,
Alex Simons (Twitter:
Director of Program Management
Microsoft Identity Products and Services