For the first time, Microsoft was a sponsor of the annual Pytorch conference. At our booth, we met a huge range of developers, from startups, academia, industry, and even a few Pytorch maintainers! It was great to chat with everyone to find out how they're using Pytorch, ML, and Generative AI models, and suggest ways that Microsoft tools could help.
Our booth was staffed by Karissa Peth (Developer advocacy PM), Josh Oh (Python advocacy PM), Pamela Fox (Python advocate), Sanket Kalaskar (PM for Pytorch on Windows), Cedric Vidal (AI Advocate), plus Patrick Chanezon (Developer relations VP, not pictured).
Check out the resources that we shared with attendees:
Machine learning on Azure:
Generative AI on Azure:
Building RAG with Azure:
Microsoft research projects in ML:
Using Python with Microsoft products:
Azure credits:
Learning resources:
We hope to be back next year for Pytorch 2025!
Updated Oct 09, 2024
Version 1.0Pamela_Fox
Joined November 08, 2022
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