Feb 05 2021
12:45 PM
- last edited on
Dec 23 2021
11:03 AM
Feb 05 2021
12:45 PM
- last edited on
Dec 23 2021
11:03 AM
where to start to understand how the various pillars of Defender works? How to understand in what mode create a pilot? Training?
For example, I want to start to use Defender for Office 365, I have users with M365 Basic and Standard Business subscriptions, so I have to add it as add on, but: could I add it on some users and then remove after the tests?
Also, I know that I can add Defender for Endpoint for my subscriptions, but where I find prices for this for M365 Business subscriptions (I found only for enterprises subscriptions).
Feb 11 2021 05:17 PM
Solutionplease see my answers
Hope that helps!
Feb 14 2021 12:36 AM
Hello @HeikeRitter
thanks for your rich reply. I've see previously the page for evaluation and it seems very interesting, but with a superficial reading, it seemed good but not easy to understand and apply. However, among the various links and with the confirmation that I can add and subtract the licenses, I read that in the security center there is a learning space with the explanation of the services and various tutorial.
For Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, there are already a few SKU that I can check here in Italy or are different for various countries? I've checked our CSP, Ingram Micro but found nothing, so I have to contact them; I also tried a simple research with search engine for volume licensing and have no luck..however, thanks for the info, I think I can find something with a better search.
If I can give a suggestion, I say Microsoft to push harder for these services and their documentation, trials, maybe with an hub site; also to push for small business and offers tailored for them..sometimes I see prices or example or documentation for enterprise that are not good for small business and shops.
Feb 11 2021 05:17 PM
Solutionplease see my answers
Hope that helps!