Forum Discussion

Shviam's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 03, 2020

Can you help me in this query

let minTimeRange = ago(7d);
let outlookLinks =
| where Timestamp > minTimeRange and ActionType == "BrowserLaunchedToOpenUrl" and
| where
InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "outlook.exe"
or InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "runtimebroker.exe"
| project Timestamp , DeviceId , DeviceName , RemoteUrl, InitiatingProcessFileName,
| extend WasOutlookSafeLink=(tostring(http://ParsedUrl.Host) endswith "")
| project Timestamp , DeviceId, DeviceName , WasOutlookSafeLink,
OpenedLink=iff(WasOutlookSafeLink, url_decode(tostring(ParsedUrl["QueryParameters"]["url"])), RemoteUrl);
let alerts =
| summarize (FirstDetectedActivity, Title)=argmin(Timestamp,Title) by AlertId,
| where FirstDetectedActivity > minTimeRange;
| join kind=inner (outlookLinks) on DeviceId
| where FirstDetectedActivity -
Timestamp between (0min..3min)
| summarize FirstDetectedActivity=min(FirstDetectedActivity),
AlertTitles=makeset(Title) by OpenedLink, InitiatingProcessFileName,
EventTime=bin(Timestamp, 1tick), DeviceName, DeviceId , WasOutlookSafeLink

links opened from outlook.exe, followed by warning that was ignored by the user.

  • Hello Shviam ,


    We are parsing the Safe Links urls for you :smile:


    Therefore in the first part of the query, you don't need to parse the url:

    • In the column RemoteUrl we are giving you the actual target url, that in case of Safe Links is "behind" the Safe Links url. 
    • In AdditionalFields you will have the Safe link complete url, in case this link was a Safe Links url. Using:  | extend SafeLinksUrl = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields)["SafeLinksUrl"]), you can extract it and get the complete url. In case the url was not a Safe Links, SafeLinksUrl  will be null.

    An example :


    I adjusted this part of the query a bit and it is working now:
    let outlookLinks =
    | where Timestamp > minTimeRange and ActionType == "BrowserLaunchedToOpenUrl" and isnotempty(RemoteUrl)
    | where InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "outlook.exe" or InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "runtimebroker.exe"
    | extend SafeLinksUrl = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields)["SafeLinksUrl"])
    | project Timestamp , DeviceId , DeviceName , OpenedLink = RemoteUrl, InitiatingProcessFileName, SafeLinksUrl;
    I was not sure what you were trying to do with alerts? If you can please clarify I can help with the rest of the query.
  • We are working to onboard url clicks data from Office365 into advanced hunting, so you will be able to see if a url was clicked and the verdict of the url at the time of the click. Thanks, Tali
