Sep 13 2024 11:32 PM
The other day, when I initialized Defender without inheriting the folder, an error message saying [Restricted by IT administrator] appeared and I was unable to scan.
While investigating various things, I was able to find out that the problem was caused by the disappearance of the contents of the [C:\Windows\System32\SecurityHealth] folder. In order to recover the folders inside this, I opened a site from Microsoft Support where you can download update files.
I'm stuck with an error message like this and can't download it.
<コード: >BlobNotFound</コード>
<メッセージ>指定された BLOB は存在しません。RequestId:fb236ec3-901e-0030-050d-0660bc00000時間:2024-09-13T18:44:50.0004525Z</メッセージ>
I've managed to revive it, but if anyone knows what to do, please let me know <(_ _)>