DLP for Endpoint licenses question

Copper Contributor


I have about 3000 pc already on-boarded on Defender for Endpoint. I also have 50 licenses add-on DLP for Endpoint. I'm going to activate the flag to onboard devices in DLP for Endpoint. I expect to have all 3000 pc on-boarded of this, but I don't understand if it is enough to apply a DLP policy to only 50 devices or I need to buy 3000 licenses add-on DLP for Endpoint to be  in compliance with the terms of the contract.

Thanks helping me to solve my dubt. 

9 Replies

@marcon what is your current license in MDE ? You check it in the portal using the below 



and what is the license type assigned to your users ? 

Hi @eliekarkafy, I see Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2.
and what type of licenses assigned to your users ?
Office 365 E3 + Enterrpise Mobility & Security. I'm going to use Microsoft 365 E5 Information Protection and DLP add-on for 50 users to which I want to assign DLP for Endpoint policies

@marcon the Microsoft E5 Information Protection contains the DLP feature, you don't need to purchase DLP addons, you can refer to the below link to check DLP features where its included 




ok, sorry may be my question was not clear at all. I try to explain better my concern:
after onboarded all devices ( about 3000 ) on DLP for endpoint side and deployed policies only for 50 devices, am I still compliant with terms of contract for remaining 2950 devices? I mean, I need to buy other 2950 addon since all 3000 devices will download the DLP policies ( that will be applied only to 50 devices).
you need a license that include DLP in that case , in you case you can switch from Office 365 E3 + Enterrpise Mobility & Security to Microsoft E5 which includes MDE and DLP or to buy the addons separately
ok. It is enough to buy addon for 50 users or I need to buy addon for 3000 users also if I don't apply DLP policies to all users.
each user you will apply DLP to needs an addon. so if you have 3000 users that need DLP, you need 3000 addon.