HELP: MCAS Rest API ignoring File Policy ID

Brass Contributor

Hi all:


I am hoping for some quick help here.  I have a File policy that has matched >5000 items.  I am trying to leverage the API to retrieve some basic information regarding the file matches.  While I am able to do it with the MCAS PS cmdlets, I am trying to see if doing an API call will be faster but I am running into possible syntax or basic comprehension issues on my part.

The query is to return the files that matched to a particular file policy but the same logic used in the PS is not working with Invoke-RestMethod and I don't understand why.  From my results, the filter portion is being ignored.

I stumbled on @Mike Kassis video (here) for initial guidance which helped alot


$token = "mytoken"

$body = @{
    limit = '4'
    filter =  @{
        policy = @{
            cabinetmatchedrulesequals = '5f85c26e460319cd4539c894'

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "" `
-Headers @{Authorization = "Token $token"} `
-Method Post `
-Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2) `


Any help?


Thank you,


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