Failed to trash the file - MCAS Governance Log

Brass Contributor


After Malware detection policy alert I tried to trash a file but it failed, some were successfully trashed.

how do I know the reason of the failure.

2021-03-31 13_43_41-Governance log - Cloud App Security - Microsoft Cloud App Security and 10 more p.png


2 Replies
the possible reasons are:
1. file locked by user
2. file was already deleted externally to MDA (but the event might not have reached MDA for various reasons)

check with the use if the file exists (and locked), or whether it is already deleted


If the files are no longer available to be deleted, how do you clear the alerts? My experience is that the file can't be deleted, so 'trashing' the file only results in an error message but the alert never clears.