Objective of the article
The purpose of this article is to provide organizations with a comprehensive understanding of all the agents and resources deployed as part of Defender for Server, Defender for Container, Defender for SQL in their AWS/GCP environment by Defender for Cloud. The article aims to guide organizations on the impact of Defender for Cloud on their environment and what they need to remove when switching Defender for Cloud plans on the security connector. Where possible this article should avoid duplicating information that is already available on Microsoft Learn and focus on providing information that is not publicly available or documented on Microsoft Learn.
Have you ever wondered about the agents, extensions, resources and roles deployed as part of Defender for Server, Defender for Container, Defender for SQL on your AWS or GCP workloads? Have you ever needed to update the selection of Defender for Cloud plans on a security connector for your AWS or GCP environment? This article provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the impact of agents and resources on your environment and guides you on what can be removed when updating the Defender for Cloud plans on a desired security connector.
The following table summarizes Microsoft agents and extensions for CWPP:
Agent |
Defender for Servers |
Defender for Containers |
Defender for SQL on Machines |
Azure Arc Agent |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint extension |
✔ |
Log Analytics or Azure Monitor Agent extension |
*In deprecation process |
✔ |
Defender Sensor |
✔ |
Azure policy for Kubernetes |
✔ |
SQL servers on machines |
✔ |
Let's review list of agents, resources and roles per plan and cleanup options
Defender for Server - AWS:
Resource |
Type |
Creation Phase |
Offboarding |
MDE - The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint agent provides comprehensive endpoint detection and response (EDR) capabilities |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
Azure Arc - AWS machines connect to Azure using Azure Arc |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
SSM - SSM Agent is mandatory for Arc onboarding |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
DefenderForCloud-DefenderForServers; DefenderForCloud-ArcAutoProvisioning; DefenderForCloud-AgentlessScanner; |
IAM - role |
Script creation |
Defender for Server - GCP:
Resource |
Type |
Creation Phase |
Offboarding |
MDE - The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint agent provides comprehensive endpoint detection and response (EDR) capabilities |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
Azure Arc - GCP machines connect to Azure using Azure Arc |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
IAM - service account |
Script creation |
defender-for-servers |
IAM - role |
Script creation |
OIDC - defender-for-servers |
IAM - workload identity pool |
Script creation |
*Defender for Server P2 require Microsoft Monitor Agent (MMA or LA agent) and/or Azure Monitor Agent (AMA) for some features, but since it's in deprecation phase, please follow these articles for details and offboarding options:
AMA removal: Manage Azure Monitor Agent - Azure Monitor | Microsoft Learn
MMA removal: Manage the Azure Log Analytics agent - Azure Monitor | Microsoft Learn
For MMA, please make sure Legacy solutions are removed from Log analytics workspace.
Defender for Container - AWS:
Offering |
Resource |
Type |
Creation Phase |
Offboarding |
Run-time threat protection |
Azure Arc enabled kubernetes- Connects your EKS clusters to Azure and onboards the Defender sensor |
Agent deployed on single node |
Post connector creation |
Cleanup Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes
Defender Sensor |
Sensor deployed on each node |
Post connector creation |
Azure Policy for Kubernetes - Extends the Gatekeeper v3 |
Extension deployed on one single node |
Post connector creation |
Agentless threat protection |
S3 |
Post connector creation |
Post connector creation |
Kinesis Data firehose (Amazon Kinesis Data Streams) |
Post connector creation |
DefenderForCloud-DataCollection; DefenderForCloud-Containers-K8s-cloudwatch-to-kinesis; DefenderForCloud-Containers-K8s-kinesis-to-s3 |
IAM - role |
Script creation |
Agentless Container Vulnerability Assessment
MDCContainersImageAssessmentRole |
IAM - role |
Script creation |
Agentless discovery for Kubernetes |
MDCContainersAgentlessDiscoveryK8sRole |
IAM - role |
Script creation |
Defender for Container - GCP:
Offering |
Resource |
Type |
Creation Phase |
Offboarding |
Run-time threat protection |
Azure Arc enabled kubernetes- Connects your GKE clusters to Azure and onboards the Defender sensor |
Agent deployed on single node |
Post creation |
Defender Sensor |
Sensor deployed on each node |
Post connector creation |
Azure Policy for Kubernetes - Extends the Gatekeeper v3 |
Extension deployed on one single node |
Post connector creation |
Run-time threat protection (AuditLogs) |
Container.googleapis.com |
Enable API |
Script creation |
logging.googleapis.com |
Enable API |
Script creation |
Data Access audit logs configuration |
Settings |
Script creation |
Kubernetes Engine API
Pub/Sub Topic |
Post creation |
Pub/sub Subscription |
Post creation |
SINK – log route |
Post creation |
microsoft-defender-containers; ms-defender-containers-stream;
IAM - service account |
Script creation |
MicrosoftDefenderContainersDataCollectionRole; MicrosoftDefenderContainersRole;
IAM - role |
Script creation |
OIDC - containers OIDC -containers-stream
IAM - workload identity provider |
Script creation |
Agentless discovery for Kubernetes |
containers |
IAM - workload identity pool |
Script creation |
mdc-containers-k8s-operator |
IAM - service account |
Script creation |
Agentless Container Vulnerability Assessment |
containers |
IAM - workload identity pool |
Script creation |
mdc-containers-artifact-assess |
IAM - service account |
Script creation |
Defender for SQL- AWS:
Resource |
Type |
Creation Phase |
Offboarding |
Defender Agent |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
Azure Monitor Agent for SQL server - Collects security-related configuration information and event logs from machines |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
Azure Arc - AWS machines connect to Azure using Azure Arc |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
DefenderForCloud-ArcAutoProvisioning; |
IAM - role |
Script creation |
Defender for SQL- GCP:
Resource |
Type |
Creation Phase |
Offboarding |
Defender Agent |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
Azure Monitor Agent for SQL server - Collects security-related configuration information and event logs from machines |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
Azure Arc - GCP machines connect to Azure using Azure Arc |
Agent |
Post connector creation |
IAM - service account |
Script creation |
defender-for-databases-arc-ap; |
IAM - role |
Script creation |
OIDC - defender-for-databases-arc-ap
IAM - workload identity pool |
Script creation |
Note: Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) is being deprecated in August 2024. As a result, Azure Monitoring Agent (AMA) been used, but for customers that still use MMA, removal option:
Manage the Azure Log Analytics agent - Azure Monitor | Microsoft Learn
Please make sure Legacy solutions are removed from Log analytics workspace.
Conclusion: In this article, we have provided a comprehensive overview of all the agents, extensions, and resources deployed as part of Defender for Servers, Defender for Containers and Defender for SQL on AWS/GCP workloads. We have also presented detailed clean-up options for organizations looking to switch their Defender for Cloud plans. While our focus has been on Cloud Workload Protection Plans (CWPP), it is important to note that resources deployed by Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) plans are not listed here. As the solution and its features continue to evolve, the resources deployed or impacted by Defender for Cloud may vary between versions. We hope this article serves as a valuable resource for organizations looking to better understand the impact of Defender for Cloud on their AWS/GCP environment.
Special thanks to Bojan Magusic for the great partnership and technical review.
Reviewed by:
- Lior Arviv, Senior Program Manager
- Aviv Mor, Principal PM Manager
- Ido Keshet, Principal PM Manager
- Maya Herskovic, Senior PM Manager
- Bojan Magusic, Product Manager 2
- Lizet Pena De Sola - Senior Customer Engineer
Updated May 06, 2024
Version 3.0inbalsilis
Joined April 14, 2022
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