Jun 23 2021
04:44 AM
- last edited on
Nov 19 2021
03:14 PM
Jun 23 2021
04:44 AM
- last edited on
Nov 19 2021
03:14 PM
Hi all-
We have a company theme template for presentations, but I also have a separate resource deck of icons, images, and other helpful content that I use on a regular basis. So far, I've just been manually opening it from my harddrive in a new PowerPoint instance, and copying what I need.
I'm wondering if there is a better/easier way. My first thought was to add a button on the QAT to directly open the resource file, that at least saves me the steps of opening file explorer. Are there other better/clever options I should consider?
EDIT: I changed the presentation theme to .potm and added a 1-line macro to open the resource deck. I then added that to the QAT, but it doesn't work. I'm guessing the QAT loads with powerpoint before the theme, so the QAT link is broken? I'll monitor this thread for non-VBA solutions, but post to the office dev forum for help getting the VBA to work.
Jul 10 2021 09:15 AM
Make your Own Add In and input your content.
Here some Infos about that.
Build your first PowerPoint task pane add-in
Tutorial: Create a PowerPoint task pane add-in
Ist nur so eine Idee, vielleicht hilft es Ihnen weiter 🙂
I would be happy to know if I could help.
I know I don't know anything (Socrates)