Forum Discussion

KerryLambert's avatar
Iron Contributor
Mar 15, 2017

Powershell attribute to distinguish where a group was provisioned?

We would like to determine where a group was provisioned, whether it was Planner, Teams, etc.  Is there a PS attribute that can help with this?

  • Hello cfiessinger, do you have any update on this? Is it possible to distinguish the app where an Office 365 group was created? (Sharepoint, Teams, Yammer, Planner, other).
    As some of our colleagues pointed out, it is becoming crucial to have this kind of information to deploy a good Governance and a robust Operation Model around O365 tools.

    Thank you.

  • SanthoshB1's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    You can use the below scripts to find the Groups that were provisioned by Yammer and Teams.


    Yammer integrated Office 365  Group List

    Get-UnifiedGroup |Where-Object {$_.ProvisioningOption -eq 'YammerProvisioning'} |select DisplayName,Alias,ProvisioningOption,GroupSKU,SharePointSiteUrl,SharePointDocumentsUrl,AccessType

    Teams group List

    Get-UnifiedGroup |Where-Object {$_.ProvisioningOption -eq 'ExchangeProvisioningFlags:481'}|select DisplayName,Alias,ProvisioningOption,GroupSKU,SharePointSiteUrl,SharePointDocumentsUrl,AccessType

    Similarly we expect MSFT to work on for Planner.

    • cfiessinger's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Today there is not determistic way of knowing where the group is created from via PowerShell. This is something we have on our backlog and don't have a date we can share.

      Using ExchangeProvisioningOption is NOT recommended since not all apps leverage it plus you can create a Teams against an existing Group for instance and this is not reflected in the script below.

      Best you can do today is leverage the audit logs instead.

  • There is no such attribute today. Stepping back what are you trying to achieve with this information, what's the use case please?

    • KerryLambert's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Mainly for reporting and auditing and honestly just curiosity.  We enabled Planner soon after our migration to O365 so I'm sure the majority of our Groups were created there.  Group creation through Outlook/OWA is limited by policy (soon to be enabled for everyone) and now Teams is enabled for everyone.  We want to get a handle on what services everyone is using.


      Group expiry will definitely help so we are looking forward to that!

      • VasilMichev's avatar

        Shouldn't the auditing controls we have across the service cover that? Granted, they only hold data for 90 days...
