Aug 07 2017 06:16 AM
We are tyring to use group calendars to book labs and track trainings. Our scenario is that we are trying to use group calendars to show all of the times we are using a lab or when we have a training. I want to make an event that is on my personal calendar but also is on a training calendar and then on a room calendar and ideally I want to create one event and use the invite function so it shows up on all of the corresponding calendars.
I can create it on one shared calendar and uncheck the 'send to group' option but only if I don't invite anyone/any other group email because it is otherwise greyed out when inviting multiple people. After a single event is created, I can then right click the event and select 'copy to my calendar". If I then choose to forward to a third calendar, it will still trigger an email/event request to everyone in that group calendar.
Basically, is there a way Microsoft will change it so the 'send to group' checkbox is able to be deselected when inviting multiple people and calendars to an event.
Aug 07 2017 11:00 AM
The way is to provide feedback here:
Overall, I wouldnt get my hopes high, as Groups are fairly limited when it comes to Calendar. But the more people request improvements - the better, and we might actually see them 🙂
Aug 14 2017 07:14 AM
I may know fully understand your use case, but you may consider creating a room/equipment resource. We do this for our conference rooms, but we also do the same thing for our corporate vacation calendar. Our staff create the appointment on their own calendar and then invite the "vacation" calendar. You can modify the default behaviors/permissions of these resource accounts automatically process the requests using powershell.
Also, there is some new functionality coming to group calendars as noted here:
May 15 2019 05:21 AM