Oct 31 2016 10:46 AM
As announced today in this post by @Anne Michels:
The Office 365 Groups activity report helps you understand how groups facilitate collaboration across your organization by surfacing information about which groups are active, how many members and guests they have, and how they are being used. The report is currently based on email activity and will be enhanced by other group activities in the future, including SharePoint Group Sites and Yammer Groups.
Oct 31 2016 11:00 AM
Christophe, is it deployed? Found no such report (i'm on FR).
Oct 31 2016 11:02 AM
Oct 31 2016 04:00 PM
Nov 01 2016 02:55 AM
Nov 01 2016 09:54 AM
Just appeared in my First Release tenant so rolling out as we speak:
Nov 01 2016 01:02 PM
Perhaps i'm in wrong region. Month ago support moved me on another servers fixing some bugs in configuration. Before that i usually had new functionality earlier than other FR people i know. Now it's opposite situation. Sorry for off-topic.
Nov 01 2016 01:09 PM
Nov 01 2016 01:48 PM
Apr 06 2017 02:16 AM
Three Quick Questions:
1) What is the explanation whenever the data in column "TYPE" is blank ?
2) What is considered as "Item count" ?
documents in SPO + documents in shared mailbox + converation threds of teams, etc..etc
last but not least, is the activity (last activity data) checked against all applications where this group is used ? --> SPO, EXO, Power BI, MS Teams, Yammer, ...
thank you
Apr 07 2017 05:15 AM
Apr 07 2017 10:55 AM
Thank you Amit!
Are there any plans to extend this in order to include all the other areas ?
In my opinion a O365Group Activity Report should cover all activities across all Applications (incl. Document counts).
If a Group is mainly used in SPO (and not EXO) then one would see in the current report this group with "no activity".
It would be really great to see for all other Reports an explanation for each column (what is counted, included) --> currently this information is not available on Graph API webpage 😞