Forum Discussion
New Look for Group Invite Notifications
Looks Office 365 Group E-Mail Invite Notifications have a new look, although there are few issues when displaying the DE localization in Outlook 2016 (works on the web though).
Nice one!!!
- Cian AllnerSilver Contributor
Thanks for the update Ivan, nicely presented invites!
- Ivan54Bronze Contributor
Hi Ethan Li,
Was it a conscious choice to drop the product specific icons (e.g. SharePoint) from the notification?
Also you've changed the destination of the "files" hyperlink from the SharePoint Team Site to the Files View in Outlook on the web - was this also intentional, possibly because the in the past the notification was sent out before the SharePoint Permissions were applied (user then got a access denied screen ;) )?
- Ethan LiMicrosoft
Ivan54 wrote:
Was it a conscious choice to drop the product specific icons (e.g. SharePoint) from the notification?
Yes. We generally don't use the icon with the product name together at the same time anymore. As well, we're also to trying to show users more of the value of collaborating groups, rather than just a list of services that are connected to the group. Collaboration with others is the key message here--your conversations, files, calendar and notebook.
Ivan54 wrote:
Also you've changed the destination of the "files" hyperlink from the SharePoint Team Site to the Files View in Outlook on the web - was this also intentional, possibly because the in the past the notification was sent out before the SharePoint Permissions were applied (user then got a access denied screen ;) )?
When we released the files view in Outlook on the web last year, that link in the welcome email was actually updated to the the files view already :) However, feel free to share here what you think would offer new groups members more value.
- Pieter Op De BeéckIron Contributor
Hi Ivan54,
Could you please provide us with an English version of this invite? We are currently struggling with our O365 Group invites since some receive the "old" ones and some the "new" ones.
The big issue is that the 'body' of the email of the "new" invite is empty - huge business impact for a roll out we just did globally for thousands of users ...
Therefore, the English version would be awesome so we can use it to search the web and address Microsoft Support ...
Thanks in advance! You can also send it privately if you prefer to do so.