Mar 26 2018 04:14 AM
Dear Community, Dear Microsoft Readers,
We need the support for extension attributes as part of a Office 365 groups naming policy. I´ve nothing related found on Uservoice.
The standards are all in use and can not be used to fit to the Office 365 Groups naming policy. Since this was not available - we were pushed to go live - even without that policy in place. You can probably imagine what that means....
So please Microsoft - Support Extension Attributes as Part of the Naming policy.
If you need more details or Info, let me know.
@All - if you agree to that request - use this threat to confirm the need.
many thanks.
best regards
Mar 26 2018 10:42 AM
@cfiessinger might be interested in your scenario, as he was just replying to a similar thread on another medium 🙂
Mar 28 2018 09:14 AM
Mar 28 2018 11:43 AM
Hi Christophe,
yes you are correct, we need to support for the Azure AD Extension attributes. Do you know if there is already a UserVoice regarding this request, which I have missed?
Would be glad to get a tip. If not i´ll create a new one.
best regards
Mar 28 2018 11:47 AM
Apr 18 2018 03:11 AM
58 votes already.
Use this to express the need towards MS to get this feature