- The ability to connect existing SharePoint team sites to Office 365 Groups, so you can augment existing sites with shared conversations, calendar and Planner.
May 16 2017 11:45 AM
Important sets of announcements today from the SharePoint team, including this specific one coming later this year:
Mar 07 2018 08:25 AM
Mar 22 2018 04:49 PM
Apr 23 2018 02:53 PM
I've read over and over again that subsites are not recommended for Groups and their modern sites. For most collections that use subsites, how will "Groupification," affect those subsites? Are there any issues we should expect to see for any corresponding subsite? I am concerned that groupification will negatively impact collection subsites.
Apr 23 2018 05:23 PM
Hi Liana,
If a site collection has subsites, you can still connect the top-level site collection to a new Office 365 Group. This process does not change anything structurally to the subsite hierarchy - all site resources will continue to have the same permissions they did prior to the group connection, including subsites.
The main thing to be aware of is that the new Office 365 Group's identity claims will be added to the site collection's SP permission groups (i.e. group owners claim will be added to the site owners permission group, and group members claim to the site members permission group), so if subsites have inherited permissions from the root, the group owners and members will have the appropriate permissions there. If permissions inheritance was broken and the SP groups for site owners and members were removed, then the side effect you would see is that anyone added to the Office 365 group's owners or members would not have access to the site.
Hope this helps.
@LianaJohnson wrote:
I've read over and over again that subsites are not recommended for Groups and their modern sites. For most collections that use subsites, how will "Groupification," affect those subsites? Are there any issues we should expect to see for any corresponding subsite? I am concerned that groupification will negatively impact collection subsites.
Apr 26 2018 04:18 AM
So it's now Q2, rather than April.
Which means end of June, followed by an announcement that it's slipped again.
May 02 2018 09:12 AM
Mmm, delayed three times, to be delivered in two chunks, and with a PnP (unsupported, open-source, if it works it works, but if it doesn't you're on your own in the forums) preparation scanner.
Why do I get these two familiar "Microsoft v.01 product" feelings? ...
(1) Microsoft really don't want to own it.
(2) An overwhelming urge to invite you and everyone else to go first in running it on your production "classic" sites and let me know how it goes - and then I might touch it with a barge pole.
Aug 20 2018 10:40 AM
is this live yet?
I'm new to o365, but my main domain does not have that "Connect to O365 Group" as an option yet. however, some of my newer team sites do have that option.
So I was just wondering how to get my primary main domain (ex: mycompany.sharepoint.com) to have that option to connect to an O365 group, for the sake of having Teams show those sharepoint files in the Files tab.
Aug 20 2018 12:12 PM
Aug 20 2018 12:27 PM
do you know if there's a workaround or solution to get my main domain connected to an o365 group?
Aug 22 2018 06:13 AM
I don't believe you can do the main site as a 365 Group. Only the top-level sites, i.e. the ones in /teams or /sites can be converted.
Group-connection can be performed for top-level site collections only. You cannot connect subsites to Office 365 groups.
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/features/groupify/groupify-overview
Sep 18 2018 11:38 PM
Jan 13 2019 02:11 PM
Happy new year all.
Anyone can point me to a doc that summarizes the current state of "groupification"?
What methods and source templates are supported, not supported, recommended, known limitations, etc?
Jan 13 2019 02:24 PM
What's the status for the solution and resources for this?
I'm guessing, and also this is a very technical answer that might take some re-reading to comprehend, but I think the answer is ...
"The square root of diddly squat."