Forum Discussion

jaydestro's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jun 18, 2020

#AzureFunBytes Episode 3 with @StevenMurawski Reminder - 2PM EDT Thursday 6/18/2020

Today @StevenMurawski will join me to solve three problems! Thurs 6/18/2020 2PM EDT

  1. How can I reduce my local workstation requirements?
  2. How do I create resources with Azure CLI and Powershell.
  3. How do I destroy resources?

Steve and I will discuss his tenure in technology with me and even answer some questions.






AzureFunBytes! - Byte-sized content with a live Twitch show! Learn about
Azure fundamentals with me!

Live stream is available on Twitch at 2pm EDT today. You can also find the recordings there as well.

Join me, ask questions and learn about Azure Storage options!

Microsoft Learn: Azure Fundamentals
Microsoft Azure: $200 Free Credit

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