Docker Host network alternatives for Windows containers
Published May 18 2022 03:00 AM 23.9K Views

One of the things I like to do on my spare time is browse around forums, such as Reddit, Stack Overflow, and others, to check on questions people have around Windows containers that are not showing up on comments or here on Tech Community. Recently, a few topics emerged more than once, so I thought I should blog about it to cover in more details.

The first one is about Docker Host Network on Windows containers.


Is Host network available on Windows containers?

The short answer is no. The longer version of this is more complex.

On Linux containers, host network is an option that gives performance on one hand and low flexibility on the other. Host network means standalone containers don’t get an IP address and instead have the container share the container host networking namespace. For scenarios on which you have a large range of ports to be accessible, Host network come in handy as the ports are automatically mapped, with no need for Network Address Translation (NAT). On a Linux container, processes on the container will bind to the port on the host. For example, a website trying to spin its service on HHTP and HTTPS will bind its process to ports 80 and 443, respectively.

The other side of that is that you can’t have multiple instances of containers running and trying to bind the same port on the same node.


What can I use instead on Windows containers?

Since Host network is not available, the alternative will depend on what you are trying to achieve. In terms of networking, by default Windows containers use a NAT network. With this network driver, the container gets an IP address from the NAT network (which is not exposed outside of that network) and ports are mapped from the host to the container. For example, you can have multiple containers listening on their port 80, but when mapping from the host, you expose a different port, such as 8081 for container 1 and 8082 for container 2. This option is great because you don’t have to worry about changing the container itself. On the other hand, you do need to keep tracking of the ports. The other benefit of this option is that you can easily publish a range of ports using something like:


docker run -p 8000-9000:8000-9000


The main thing about the NAT network is that you still need to translate the address from the host to the container. When thinking about scale and performance, this option might not be ideal.

Alternatively, Windows containers offer multiple other options for networking. If you are familiar with Hyper-V, the transparent network is the most simple one. Transparent network works pretty much as an External Virtual Switch on Hyper-V. With that network driver, containers that are attached to this network will get IP addresses from the network – assuming a DHCP server is available, of course, or statically configured per container. You can spin up a new Transparent network using:


docker network create -d "transparent" --subnet --gateway -o"" my_transparent


And to assign this network to new containers, you can use:


docker run --network=my_transparent


Keep in mind this mode is not supported on Azure VMs. This is because you are creating an External Virtual Switch that requires MAC address spoofing.

The Transparent network is a great alternative for small production scenarios and cases on which you want the containers to behave pretty much as any other compute resource in your network. However, as I mentioned, there are other options. In our documentation, we have a great summary of the network types available, their pros and cons, and how to configure each of them:


Docker Windows Network Driver

Typical uses

Container-to-container (Single node)

Container-to-external (single node + multi-node)

Container-to-container (multi-node)

NAT (Default)

Good for Developers

  • Same Subnet: Bridged connection through Hyper-V virtual switch
  • Cross subnet: Not supported (only one NAT internal prefix)

Routed through Management vNIC (bound to WinNAT)

Not directly supported: requires exposing ports through host


Good for Developers or small deployments

  • Same Subnet: Bridged connection through Hyper-V virtual switch
  • Cross Subnet: Routed through container host

Routed through container host with direct access to (physical) network adapter

Routed through container host with direct access to (physical) network adapter


Good for multi-node; required for Docker Swarm, available in Kubernetes

  • Same Subnet: Bridged connection through Hyper-V virtual switch
  • Cross Subnet: Network traffic is encapsulated and routed through Mgmt vNIC

Not directly supported - requires second container endpoint attached to NAT network on Windows Server 2016 or VFP NAT rule on Windows Server 2019.

Same/Cross Subnet: Network traffic is encapsulated using VXLAN and routed through Mgmt vNIC


Used for Kubernetes and Microsoft SDN

  • Same Subnet: Bridged connection through Hyper-V virtual switch
  • Cross Subnet: Container MAC address re-written on ingress and egress and routed

Container MAC address re-written on ingress and egress

  • Same Subnet: Bridged connection
  • Cross Subnet: routed through Mgmt vNIC on WSv1809 and above


Azure only

Same/Cross Subnet: Hair-pinned to physical host's Hyper-V virtual switch to where policy is applied

Traffic must go through Azure virtual network gateway

Same/Cross Subnet: Hair-pinned to physical host's Hyper-V virtual switch to where policy is applied


Hopefully this will give you an idea on what are the alternatives for networking on Windows containers. If you still have a scenario that you’d like to see, let us know in the comments section below.

Version history
Last update:
‎May 17 2022 02:53 PM
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