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Azure Integration Services Blog

Programmatically Accessing App Settings from Logic Apps Expressions

KentWeareMSFT's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Nov 21, 2022

Blog Post Contributors: Rama Krishna Rayudu (Principal Software Engineering Manager), Rohitha Hewawasam

Recently, a customer asked about how to retrieve some details about the running Azure Logic Apps (Standard) instance. They were interested in some specific details that would help them populate error traces including:

  • Logic App URL
  • Logic App Name
  • Subscription
  • Workflow Name

The question now is how we go ahead and retrieve these values at runtime? The answer lies in expressions. However, some of the expressions used to obtain these values aren't visible, hence documenting it here. When it comes to Workflow Name, an existing property exists as part of the workflow() expression. But, for the others we can take advantage of the appsetting() expression.


Attribute Expression Example

Logic App URL


Logic App Name



Workflow Name
Hello World


Here is an example of how you can retrieve the Logic App's URL by using the appsetting() expression.


The next question is what other values can I take advantage of using this approach? All of the App Service app settings have been documented here: Environment variables and app settings reference - Azure App Service | Microsoft Learn.


Note: There may be some settings which are not relevant for Azure Logic Apps and as a result may not have been implemented.


But, we can look at the App Settings that have been included for your Logic Apps instance by viewing the App Settings for your Logic App (Standard) instance in Kudu. For instructions on how to access Kudu, please see the following post.


To view this content in video format, please check out the following YouTube video:


Updated Nov 20, 2022
Version 1.0
  • I just looked at my existing workflow that I use in the YT video and the expression isn't showing up in the IntelliSense but it is there



  • Guptthha's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Kent, 


    I am trying to access as above but i am not getting this expression, was this functionally was deprecated..?