Understanding IIS Handlers
Published Sep 23 2024 02:58 PM 569 Views

Table of Contents


  • What are IIS Handlers?
  • Where Are Handlers Kicked in the IIS Pipeline?
  • Types of Handlers are Present
  • What Custom Handlers Can Be Created?
  • How Does This Intercept the Traffic and Make Modifications to Incoming/Outgoing Requests?
  • Advantages and Where to Use
  • Best Practices
  • Conclusion


What are IIS Handlers?


IIS (Internet Information Services) Handlers are components in the IIS web server that process specific types of requests. They are an essential part of the request-processing pipeline and determine how requests for certain resources (like .html, .aspx, .jpg files) are handled by the server.


Handlers can be thought of as the intermediaries that translate requests into actions that the server can execute, enabling a more organized and efficient processing system.


Where Are Handlers Kicked in the IIS Pipeline?


Handlers are invoked during the "Execute Request Handler" stage of the IIS request-processing pipeline. This stage comes after the request has been authenticated, authorized, and filtered by any applicable modules. When a request reaches this stage, the IIS pipeline looks up the appropriate handler based on the request type and any configured routes or mappings.


Types of Handlers Present


IIS comes with several built-in handlers, categorized into three types:




1. Static File Handlers

These handlers are responsible for serving static files such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images.

2. Script Handlers

Script handlers process dynamic content. Examples include ASP.NET handlers for .aspx files, PHP handlers for .php files, and so on.

3. Custom Handlers

These are user-defined handlers that can be created to handle custom scenarios or specific types of requests not covered by the default handlers.

What Custom Handlers Can Be Created?


Custom handlers can be developed to meet specific needs where default handlers fall short. For example, a custom handler could be written to:

  • Process a unique file type.
  • Perform specialized logging or request processing.
  • Interact with third-party APIs before serving a response.
  • Implement security features like custom authentication or request validation.

Creating a custom handler typically involves implementing the `IHttpHandler` interface in .NET, allowing you to define the logic for processing requests. We will discuss how to create custom handlers and invoke different features of it in the upcoming blog.


How Does This Intercept the Traffic and Make Modifications to Incoming/Outgoing Requests?


Handlers can intercept traffic by hooking into the request pipeline at specific stages. They can inspect, modify, or even abort requests based on custom logic. Here’s how this typically works:


1. Incoming Requests

For incoming requests, handlers can:

  • Read request headers and body.
  • Modify request parameters or headers before passing them to the next stage.
  • Route the request to different resources based on custom rules.



2. Outgoing Responses

For outgoing responses, handlers can:

  • Modify response headers or status codes.
  • Transform the response body, such as applying compression or encryption.
  • Log response details for analytics and debugging.


Advantages and Where to Use


Using IIS handlers offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility: Handlers provide a flexible way to handle diverse types of requests and responses.
  • Performance: Handlers can improve performance by directly interacting with the request pipeline, reducing the overhead of additional processing.
  • Customization: Custom handlers allow developers to tailor request processing to specific application needs, facilitating unique functionalities. We will see in upcoming blogs, how to create custom handlers in ASP.NET and ASP.NET core and how can we intercept the incoming and outgoing traffic to modify the values.


Where to Use


IIS handlers are particularly useful in scenarios where:

  • There is a need to handle custom file types or protocols.
  • Specialized request processing is required, such as logging or monitoring.
  • Custom security measures need to be implemented.
  • Legacy systems need to be integrated with modern web applications.


Best Practices


To get the most out of IIS handlers, consider the following best practices:

  • Keep it Simple: Ensure that the logic within handlers is as simple and efficient as possible to minimize performance overhead.
  • Security: Always validate and sanitize inputs in custom handlers to prevent security vulnerabilities.
  • Modular Design: Design handlers to be modular and reusable across different applications and projects.
  • Logging: Implement comprehensive logging to track the performance and behaviors of handlers, which helps in troubleshooting and optimizing.
  • Testing: Thoroughly test custom handlers under various scenarios to ensure they handle all edge cases and do not introduce unexpected behavior.




IIS handlers are powerful tools in the web server’s arsenal, offering the flexibility to handle a wide range of request types and scenarios. Whether you are working with static files, dynamic content, or custom processing needs, understanding and effectively utilizing handlers can significantly enhance your web application’s performance and capabilities.


By adhering to best practices and leveraging the unique advantages of handlers, you can ensure a robust and efficient request-processing pipeline for your applications.


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Last update:
‎Sep 23 2024 02:58 PM
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